Message from Yeshua: A New Day Dawning ~ Channeled by Fran Zepeda ~ 9.5.21

Greetings Dear Beloveds,

I AM Yeshua:

There is a New Reality looming for those inclined to believe and receive and partake.

It is not for the faint of heart.

For those who find the reality held by many currently in the collective mass consciousness as ‘off-the-mark’ for them, it does not sit well, and can bring despondency and confusion until you realize that you are capable of moving past that. You do not have to be tethered to the reality of the mass consciousness.

Yet, I know, it feels so prevalent that it can appear hopeless to be otherwise.

This is your challenge, Beloved Ones.

Look past and beyond the obvious, Beloveds.

Remember that you are Creator Beings, after all!

Beyond the seemingly endless horizon is a New World, a New Reality.

Do you wish to partake?

Garner your Strength and Courage and Vision and Faith and Hope.

Dwell in your Heart now where there is Abundance and Freedom and Grace and Harmony, and allow your new world and way of being to be realized and prominent.

Look beyond the clouds of despair.

Look beyond the clouds of doubt.

Feel beyond the feeling of Entrapment.

Step out into the New Air, the New Energy, the New Reality being offered Now.

Grasp your understanding and compassion for those who do not wish to partake in this endeavor, for there are many.

Yes, Beloveds, garner your strength and move further into your Heart. ‘See’ the possibilities of a New World, a New Way of Being.

Envision it and it shall be so.

This will also require your untiring dedication and devotion, Beloveds. It shall not be easy. It will take all your strength to keep looking beyond the obvious into the vision of a New Way of Being,

You were built for this, you came to Earth at this time for this, and it is your challenge, but also very much in your ‘wheelhouse’, so to speak.

Hold fast to your vision of a new way of being and seeing and feeling, completely congruous with your Heart and High Heart. Rise beyond the barriers of doubt and lethargy and despair and confusion.

Grasp your birthright now, Beloveds. Reach for the higher frequencies which are so attainable to you now if you gather your Essence into your Heart Center and allow your vision to go quantum. See and imagine all the possibilities, Beloveds. And feel into them as if they are already happening.

The heaviness and density you may be feeling is only temporary. Underneath it is the Lightness and Higher Consciousness that wants to be revealed.

So, let go of the mind-set that things are in chaos and that things are contrary to what you would like to see in the world, and move unabashedly into your vision and feel it and live it as if it is already real.

For it is, Beloveds. It is, that is, if you choose to stay in this Higher Consciousness that is being presented to you, but that your mind is telling you is not possible because of the mindset of the collective, which feels so prevalent until you realize that it is just temporary until you can permanently replace it with your Lighted, Loving perspective on all happenings and ways of Being.

I come in now to Lift your Spirits and your Hope and your Faith.

I envelop you in my protection and my Christ-Consciousness and I guide you to dwell in yours, and into the open Light and Love-filled New World.

I am always with you. Believe it, and it shall be so.


I AM Yeshua.

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Copyright © 2011-2021 Fran Zepeda. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and share this message and audio with your friends and on your blogs and websites, provided that the message and audio is posted in its entirety, and nothing has been altered in any way, is distributed free of charge, and this entire copyright with links are included, as well as the direct link back to the message. Any other use of this material is prohibited without written permission.

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Loving Thought from Yeshua 12.20.20

~Channeled by Fran Zepeda~

Yeshua: “The ways of the world are precarious at best. It is up to you to ‘man the steering wheel’ for your own lives. Through that, the world falls in tow.

With your Higher Self as your trusty navigator, you will not be lost.

Just as a star lighted the way for my birth, so the bright star of your Divinity will light the way for your rebirth into your new way of Being in this world.


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Copyright © 2011-2020 Fran Zepeda. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and share this message and audio with your friends and on your blogs and websites, provided that the message and audio is posted in its entirety and nothing has been altered in any way, is distributed free of charge, credit is given to the author, and this entire copyright with links are included, as well as the direct link back to the message. Any other use of this material is prohibited without written permission.

Message from Yeshua and Mary Magdalene: Embrace Your Divinity ~ Channeled by Fran Zepeda

Message from Yeshua and Mary Magdalene: Embrace Your Divinity ~ Channeled by Fran Zepeda

Channeled and Presented by Fran Zepeda 11.1.20

Greetings, Beloveds, I AM Yeshua. I AM Mary Magdalene. Together we embrace you with Eternal Love and Respect. 

This is a time of all times; this is a time of all measures to bring you once again to your true form and true life. We beseech you to not focus on all the feelings of fear and concern as you watch and experience the dismantling, the destruction, and the chaos.

For this is the only way to build a new way of Being, a new way of Living, a new way of Perceiving, a new way of Existing.

It may feel like you are like a tree in Fall, and all the leaves of your life are dying off. However, what is building and what is unseen, like the tree, is new life force to emerge anew when the time is right, and for a tree, it is Spring. But you do not necessarily have to wait until Spring to see your new growth from this building Divine Life Force that is occurring from within.

What is nurturing it and sustaining it is your ability to stay in the high frequencies of Love and Joy and Bliss and Peace and Harmony and Grace, and to envision every day what you wish to build.

What is feeding it is the revealing more and more of your true nature, the embodiment of your Higher Self, your Soul, your Oversoul, your I AM Presence, your Divinity … becoming more and more at home and present within this beautiful physical body of yours.

Take some time each day to honor your physical body, your physical vehicle, as it hosts the changes that will allow your Divine Self to find a permanent home, a permanent lighted home for it to be eternally present.

Each day delve deeper into your Heart Center and find all the Purity and Love and Clarity that is there for you to enjoy and be guided by.

This recent clearing period with the full moon was massive for many and continues to be so for many. Do not despair, do not hold on to what comes up. This is an offering of the incoming light and energies to ready you for being a pristine home for your Divine Self to live and breathe and function as one with your physical body.

And you may notice that as you become one with your Divinity, and feel this Oneness, that you feel a Oneness with all of Humanity, with all the Cosmos, with All That Is of Source, for you indeed are a Divine Spark of Source that is becoming more and more ignited and enlivened and guided by the very essence of you, which is One with Source.

Embrace this, beloveds. Know this, Beloveds. Feel our Love and Support as you walk through this final corridor of transformation, which to many feels treacherous right now, which to many feels overwhelming and sometimes impossible.

But this is what you are designed for. Have confidence in that, Beloveds.

Now, more than ever, we guide you and support you in finding deep, deep Unconditional Love for yourself, without any judgment, critique, or exception. Embrace yourself and all your parts, whether some of those parts may feel out of sync with your higher consciousness, whether they are disdainful to you or not. Gather them in and accept them with a very deep loving embrace. Tend to each part as if it is a jewel just needing to be shined and incorporated into your wholeness, your Shining Divinity.

We offer you now a prayer, an affirmation or invocation, if you will, to help you along in this endeavor:

“I Love and accept myself, my whole self, all parts and aspects of myself, wholly and completely, without reservation or exception…including my perceived imperfections.

I bundle it all up with abandon to be embraced and accepted and absorbed and integrated by and into and with my Divinity, without judgment or regret, or exception.

I welcome my Divine Self wholly and completely as it finds a Lighted, welcoming home in my physical body, and harmonizes with all aspects of me, taking the lead in all I do, feel, or say.

I embrace my embodiment with full and complete attention and reverence, and I thank my physical body for its transformation and transition to this union.

So it is”

So, beloveds, the key, you see, is and has always been, a complete and whole acceptance and Love for yourself, down to the core, without exception. Embrace the purity that is you. Know that any imperfections as you see it are just untarnished jewels waiting to be shined with your Unconditional Love and Acceptance and Embrace.

This is So, beloveds. Know that you have come a long, long way to becoming the Beautiful Pristine Divine Self that you are currently embodying with each stroke of Love that you give yourself.

We are yours in support, Truly and Completely,


Yeshua and Mary Magdalene

Transmitted 11.1.20

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Copyright © 2011-2020 Fran Zepeda. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and share this message and audio with your friends and on your blogs and websites, provided that the message and audio is posted in its entirety and nothing has been altered in any way, is distributed free of charge, and this entire copyright with links are included, as well as the direct link back to the message. Any other use of this material is prohibited without written permission.

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Message from Yeshua and Mary Magdalene: “Divine Love Empowerment” ~ Channeled by Fran Zepeda


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Message from Yeshua and Mary Magdalene: “Divine Love Empowerment” ~ Channeled by Fran Zepeda Continue reading

Yeshua and Mary Magdalene: “Back to Your Core” ~ Channeled by Fran Zepeda ~ 4-23-20


In these changing, tumultuous times, it is important that you not forget your Core, your Life, your abiding Life Force: Divine Love. Please remember to always access the Love within, the connection to your Soul and to your Eternal Life.

Dear ones, we know these times have shaken many of you to your core … but that in itself is the key, for at your core, your Love has not wavered, your reservoir of Love and Connection and Integration with Source Energy has not left – That sweet Love inside, that sustainable Life force from which you are inspired, is still pulsing inside you, Now, in these changing times.

For, this LOVE Force, this LIFE Force, has never wavered, even though your focus may have wavered, temporarily, as you struggle to right yourself from the imbalances occurring now in your outside world.

For this to occur, you know by now that you must return to your Core, the Balance within, the LOVE within, the knowing that you will be, and have always been, safe and secure within the Divine Love that is your core, that which feeds your reality.

Yes, fear may have drawn you off-course a bit, shaken you off your knowing that you are and have always been a Being of Love, from which you can create and Will create a new way of Being within yourself, which Will inform a new way of Being without.

Gather yourselves, now, beloveds, back to your Core, back to your Heart Center, back to your True Divine Self, back to your knowledge of your Soul wanting to inform you of your strengths and abilities and potential and abundance, to forge ahead now from a new stronger place of certainty … yes, Certainty in these times of uncertainty – the Certainty of the ever-constant reservoir of Love and Life force you Are and can always draw from.

It is time to build from within, build Up from within, and reach for those higher frequencies of Love and Light that you may have stopped reaching for, temporarily.

Settle into them now … they have not gone away … just your focus and perspective may have wavered from them at the moment.

We are here to tell you that you have never been stronger, that you have never been more filled with Love and Abundance and Strength … you just may have lost sight of it for the moment.

Come back to your Core, your spark of Divinity that is waiting to ignite deeper and warmer and Stronger and Lighter and with more Abundance and Life Force than ever before….for it takes something like the global crisis that is occurring now to bring everyone back to their core, where there is salvation and creativity and meaning and knowledge of a way to Be from now on.

Rest assured that in the midst of change is so much potential, dear ones … so much Life and Solutions and Intelligence that is waiting to be tapped, waiting to be mined, waiting to be realized.

The purity of your Soul and the Deep Divine Love that is who you Are is what will tap the Solutions and New Life that is under the surface waiting to be revealed. Drawing from that will set you on a course of Wonder and New Life that you haven’t before considered.

Take a moment now to Love yourself Deeply, to accept the feelings you are feeling, to accept what is presenting right now in your Reality. Know there is a purpose there; know there is meaning underneath it.

How can you love yourself more? What do you need to let go of? These are the focuses that will reveal some answers you have been waiting for.

Do you realize that the Core that is you, that the Divine Love that is You, has not diminished? It is waiting to be given permission to grow more. The fear that may have been gripping you lately has just covered up that potential and temporarily blinded you to what has always been there.

Go now to that core, and replenish it…focus energy on it, beloveds, and let it shine forth again and fill to overflowing. Let it build again. See everything now from that place of Love, instead of from fear.

What will you do Now to fill up that Core more with the Divine Love that is never diminished, is ever-flowing, and waiting to be tapped with more gusto and determination???

All our Love to you, Forever and Always,

We Are Yeshua and Mary Magdalene



Received 4.20.20

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Copyright © 2011-2020 Fran Zepeda. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and share this message, (complete with the full and complete audio when provided), on your blogs and websites, provided that the message and audio is posted in its entirety and nothing has been altered in any way, is distributed free of charge, and credit is given to the author/channel: Fran Zepeda, and this copyright and links below are included, as well as the direct link to the message. Any other use of this material is prohibited without written permission.


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Yeshua and Mary Magdalene: “New Earth is Aglow in Your Hearts” ~ Channeled by Fran Zepeda ~ 3.22.20

Yeshua and Mary Magdalene: “New Earth is Aglow in Your Hearts” ~ Channeled by Fran Zepeda ~ 3.22.20

Dearest Beloveds,

New Earth is Revealing Herself with all the Shifts taking place in this Now.

Hold the energy of Cooperation, Harmony, Love and Peace in your Hearts as the World (and Collective) takes a pause and flows further into her Divine place of Love, Neutrality, Peace and Harmony.

Dear Ones, you have allowed yourselves a major shift in Consciousness, and New Earth is now being held Lovingly in the arms of many.

Many Hearts have opened to the Divine Reality of a Love-Based World at a deeper and more profound and permanent level.

The concepts of Peace and Unity and Oneness are no longer an abstract. Sparkling Jewels of Divine Love, Peace, Serenity, Harmony and Unity are radiating and permeating into hidden dark areas of Consciousness to fulfill the Divine Purpose and Essence of all Souls and make them Whole again.

Alas, New Earth is becoming Manifest, and with it comes the Truth of the Essence of All – the True Purpose of All – to live in Divine Love and Harmony, in Divine Peace and Unity. Magical Beginnings for many are nigh and are becoming manifest as the higher vibrations and frequencies and levels that are being offered Now are chosen.

Stand tall within your Highest Energy, Dear Ones. Allow the sparkling jewels of Divine Love, Peace, Harmony and Unity to take permanent hold within your Hearts, and allow these sparkling Divine Rays to permeate all spaces within your energy fields and thus burst into the field of Oneness to nourish All in their Awakening.

I AM Yeshua, I AM Mary Magdalene, and together We hold you in awe and reverence for all you have accomplished. We magnify your Loving Essence even more with our Deep Love and Care for you. We continue to be at your service as you exude and implement your essence and service for the highest good of all humanity and New Earth.



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Copyright © 2011-2020 Fran Zepeda. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and share this message, (complete with the full and complete audio when provided), on your blogs and websites, provided that the message and audio is posted in its entirety and nothing has been altered in any way, is distributed free of charge, and credit is given to the author/channel: Fran Zepeda, and this copyright and links below are included, as well as the direct link to the message. Any other use of this material is prohibited without written permission.


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Correction to Last Post

Hello everyone!

I just noticed that for some reason the “Remote Group Energy Healings Being Offered” post I just posted did not get emailed with the proper links. Please go to the following link to access it!

Thank you!



Illumination and Inspiration on “Darkness to Light” from Lady Nada ~ Channeled by Fran Zepeda 3.8.20

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Illumination and Inspiration on “Darkness to Light” from Lady Nada ~ Channeled by Fran Zepeda 3.8.20:

“Amongst and within any darkness that you seemingly feel, is beautiful light awaiting to be revealed. Know it is there and it will emerge. Yes, beloveds, the beautiful Light and Love at the core of everything is but a heartbeat away from emerging. Change your focus and welcome it in and you will see a new perception and reality from a second ago of dark negative thoughts that may be lurking.

The negative reality that seems to be lurking is only an illusion and a beckoning to choose the Light, to choose the Love, to choose the higher vibration and frequency of the Beautiful Divine Being that you are. Relish it beloveds, for it is only a heartbeat away.

Soon this will take over your consciousness to the point that the darkness will feel so far away and the Beautiful Light that you are will shine brightly and persistently and glowingly forever more. Embrace this reality for it is yours for the taking as you accept this Beautiful Light that you are and ever will be. Your Divinity prevails with every breath of Love and Light you take to sustain it.”


For my services and other offerings, please visit

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Copyright © 2011-2020 Fran Zepeda. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and share this message, (complete with the full and complete audio when provided), on your blogs and websites, provided that the message and audio is posted in its entirety and nothing has been altered in any way, is distributed free of charge, and credit is given to the author/channel: Fran Zepeda, and this copyright and links below are included, as well as the direct link to the message. Any other use of this material is prohibited without written permission.


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Higher Self Teaching on Wholeness by Fran Zepeda

Greetings and Blessings Everyone!

Tonight I came upon this Teaching from my Higher Self from 2015 that I am guided to share with you again, as it still feels timely, and so may be helpful to you as you go further into your clearing and embodiment process. I hope to be offering a new channeling to you soon….Much Love to you All! ~ Fran


Higher Self Teaching on Wholeness by Fran Zepeda


All are Whole to begin with, from the beginning of time. It is just from there an add-on of experiences, a retreat back, and ultimate revealing and illumination process to bring forth the dormant and to transmute the illusion and parts that do not live fully in Love.

And it is that process that you all are going through, the revealing, illumination and acceptance of all parts, all aspects of you to make up the whole, to illuminate and transmute all that is not fully in Love, in that there is a revealing process of that which is not Love, that which is not the True Divine You, that which is covering up the Full Illumination of You.

And the process is long for many, it is difficult for many, it is necessary for many to linger at areas where they are not truly authentic, for to cling to those unauthentic parts has been for some purpose necessary to protect, or to bring one to the revelation of the nugget of truth that has been hidden. And in that process, it is more enriching than having everything illuminated and apparent at once, for it is a journey wherein one can explore and decipher and realize who they truly are in intimate experience and expression.  

This journey is the jewel in your life. It is the gem of your existence. It is your essence becoming manifest in sometimes slow but always deliberate means.

Sometimes one will become astray – or go astray – from their journey, for it may be too glaring and provocative to enter into that ‘wormhole of truth’. However, that too is part of the journey to Ascension and complete Enlightenment, to realization of your Wholeness.  Mind you, it (Wholeness) is already there but just has not been fully realized. Two different things these are.

What sews and connects together all your parts in your Wholeness, is Love. It is the glue and the motivation and the foundation of who you are. It is the tool to illuminate and transmute all that is not of Truth and Authenticity within your Wholeness.

Having Compassion for yourself is the helper in this process. For it is what leads you to fully love and accept yourself. Forgiveness comes with that; it is the oil lubricating your Compassion and Love for yourself.

And Grace is a key player in that. For in fully realizing your divinity, and accepting your Full Divinity, it is only a matter of time before your True Self will be presented to you in loving form, in complete Wholeness.

Life becomes beautiful and whole when one allows the Grace of God/Creator to enter into one’s life in immediate and open allowance, becoming one with that aspect of oneself, to allow it to bring forth all the parts of oneself to fruition and Wholeness.

This is a gradation, and gradual process, however for many it is speeding up. As all aspects of Creator are accepted and integrated into one’s Being, and as all parts and experiences of the ‘incarnate you’ become illuminated, healed and integrated into a cohesive whole, all sides of the coin – all aspects of each illusion and miscreation – are being revealed as their true core and being, transmuting to the divine love it really is – your True Self thus merging and emerging as more powerful and complete than when those miscreations were first formed. They were for a purpose and the purpose is revealed.

Ponder this when you think you are not whole. For the Wholeness becomes manifest in illuminating that which does not appear whole in the first place.


Thank you to my Higher Self.


Originally Received January 2, 2015

Copyright © 2011-2020 Fran Zepeda. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and share this message provided that the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been altered in any way, is distributed free of charge, and this copyright and links are included.



Note from Fran:

I am now offering on Special discount my Healing to Wholeness Session, which is based on and builds upon this teaching, among others given to me.  You can find information on this Session, as well as other Healing and Reading/Channeling Services here:

(My website store is temporarily unavailable unfortunately due to problems with my website host, and I will be launching a new website and store soon, but in the meantime you can arrange sessions with me using the contact button or phone number on my Services page or Store page….please mention the discount!)



Message from Lady Nada ~ “Our Light is Your Light” ~ Channeled by Fran Zepeda


Message from Lady Nada ~ “Our Light is Your Light” ~ Channeled by Fran Zepeda


Hello Dear Sweet Beings,

I stand before you in awe and with inspiration and adoration as I watch you explode further and further into the Light, into the Love, into the Divine Beings that you are.

Keep that close to your heart, that knowing, dear ones. We see you all exploding into this beautiful ‘Starburst of Light’ as your DNA is transforming and igniting into who you truly are, Divine Humans.

Take a moment to assess and acknowledge your progress so far. It is miraculous. It is spectacular. It is heart-warming and inspiring. It is monumental, dear ones.

We, all the Ascended Masters, love you dearly and we walk alongside you now with more and more certainty and evidence to you. Your Light is our Light now.

Many of you have done massive clearing, and so it has sometimes thrown you seemingly off track as you manage the distortions created by this clearing. Keep focusing on the Light that is left as you allow more and more lifetimes, memories, negativity, trauma, fears, and confusion to lift out of you to make way for your embodiment.

Begin to feel your Soul, your Higher Self, your Oversoul, your Divine Presence more and more as integrated with the human part of you. Feel the Fullness of it. Commend and honor the human and physical part of you as it allows you to merge and embody.

You are the Light, you are the World, dear ones. Remember that. All you create now will be felt by all, and so it is important to keep your perspective in line with the highest ascension and embodiment timeline, as you pave the way for New Earth to be present for all.

Feel the whispers of Truth from your Soul get louder and be careful to not allow the screams of fear you hear from some of the collective, so that your own fears do not get triggered. You are in the process of leaving them all (the fears) behind. And what will be left is a shining, full, embodied Divine Being who knows or experiences fear and angst no longer.

Stand strong within your Soul, your Higher Self, as you navigate these final days of the year. You are embarking on the final finish line of ascension and embodiment. Know this, dear ones. The Explosion of Light within you will make it so.

Our Light is Your Light.

So it is, dear ones.


Thank you, Lady Nada.


(Message Transmitted 12.15.19)


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Copyright © 2011-2019 Fran Zepeda. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and share this message, (complete with the full and complete audio when provided), on your blogs and websites, provided that the message and audio is posted in its entirety and nothing has been altered in any way, is distributed free of charge, and credit is given to the author/channel: Fran Zepeda, and this copyright and links below are included, as well as the direct link to the message. Any other use of this material is prohibited without written permission.


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